Wednesday, 26 July 2023
  2 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Can multiple detail references be added to a reference note?
Currently I add a 'text' callout to the side of the schedule. (see attached)For example on the pavers, I also want to reference a corner treatment detail.
I always move them when updating the schedule.
Brian set the type of the post as  Issue — 1 year ago
Brian changed the title from Add mltiple details to a ref note. to Add multiple details to a ref note. — 1 year ago

This is on the wishlist. It's something we talked about recently so it's very high up on the priority, too.

In the meantime, continue adding your text. However, if you didn't already know, you can use the naked detail tool to add a smart field to that text that will automatically update the location of the detail if it moves to a different sheet/number.

Power Tip: Naked Detail Callouts
1 year ago
Great, Thank you.
Now I know they are called naked detail callouts.
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