Wednesday, 30 October 2024
  3 Replies
  1.4K Visits
Has anybody found a best practice for archiving via the project organization directory. I know we can mark as Read-only, but the folder structure remains which is what I want to archive as well. We have some folder structures that are outdated now that we have multiple offices. With the limit on four levels of hierarchy it doesn't seem like we can just move it to a 202x folder.
aplacido set the type of the post as  Task — 4 months ago

Our recommendation is to employ an organization system that does this automatically. As in, having projects organized by Year folders, so they sort of automatically archive in that they don't clutter your daily operational use.
But beyond that, would need to know more about how you have it currently structured.

2 months ago

We currently have it organized as Projects > Studio Name > Client > Project Name

When we mark a project to be archived via the online portal, the folder structure it was nestled remains in the project directory.

We would like to also archive this folder structure so it's not visible once the project is archived.


We will ponder this and see what can be done.

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