What is the right size?
Attached is the performance data for a Rain Bird PEB - when should it choose a 1.5" valve? Certainly above 50 GPM, but if the site has the PSI, there's nothing wrong with using a 1" valve up to 30 GPM, right? The system could automatically choose a valve with the lowest pressure loss, but that would then result in a 2" valve for 75 GPM. So it is very much a designer decision, taking into account many factors.
In the Size Laterals dialog box, the valve size is right there, along with the associated pressure loss for each size. The intention is that as you confirm the velocity and sizes for that zone, that you would also adjust the valve size if necessary. We have discussed perhaps making the valve size more prominent, perhaps a red highlight when the pressure loss is higher than another size would offer. But even that could be rather annoying, looking like an error when it is an entirely acceptable usage case.
All of the relevant calculations are generated during the sizing, so the Size Laterals dialog box is the most sensible place to add any additional logic or visual highlights.