Tuesday, 02 October 2018
  1 Replies
  4K Visits
Hey Folks,

First post here. I am a Land FX and overall cad Newbie learning on the fly. I am doing pretty well thanks to the great webinars that are provided.

I am running into a workflow issue at the moment. I am used to working within sketchup and Adobe Illustrator. In these programs I haven't come into the issue and that is what do you do to show where one thing ends and another begins. For example If there is a path going through a lawn would I designate the line work to show the boundary of the lawn or the path? Ideally i want both so I can have closed shapes and generate estimate for both. The solution a friend told me is to have duplicate line work on top of itself and place one set in one layer L-LAWN for example and the other in L-PATH.

Is there afaster way to do this? much of our companies drafting is done first in Sketchup - maybe part of the solution is doing the drafting first in FX cad?

Looks like this is a duplicate. We had a little blip and are catching up!
My response is here: https://www.landfx.com/community/2517-linework-boundaries-where-one-thing-ends-and-another-begins.html

Definitely SketchUp and AutoCAD require slightly different workflows. You can use the lines exported from SketchUp to start off your closed polylines in CAD. Check out our SUPERJOIN tool to help create closed polylines that way.
Cleaning Up Linework With SuperJoin
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