Thursday, 05 May 2022
  3 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Greetings. It's been a while since here.

I am now designing for cold weather and on a bit of a learning curve.

One question outstanding. Can anyone recommend a standard practice or best solution for connecting sprinklers via Funny Pipe to poly laterals.

So far have found this

Thanks for any suggestions or comments.

A distributor suggested that the Dawn connectors sometimes fail. He suggested insert fittings with clamps such as Spears

Regards from Cold Eastern Idaho,
Hi, Tom. Most of my work is still in CA, but I have moved to and trying to cultivate a clientele for turn-key commercial here in Idaho.

I don't have a lot of experience with poly laterals (I'm in an almost exclusively PVC market), but on one of my recent projects, the contractor wanted poly laterals, using saddle tees to connect to funny pipe. So yes, the item you link to is what you want. There may be some brands better than others. Call one of your local suppliers--they'll know which ones they sell the most of.

What market are you in?
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