

  Wednesday, 24 July 2019
  7 Replies
  2.8K Visits

The surveyor that provided the base map for my planting plan used the same tree block to show all the trees on the plan.   I would like to make some of these tree blocks 50% transparent to show they will be removed.    I put those on a separate layer and made that layer 50% transparent, but the blocks still look and print as dark as the others.   Can I change the properties for some instances of one block without changing them on all?   If not by layer how do I do it? 

In this case, you would need to edit the block, explode the sub-block, then move that outer spline to layer 0.

Only the most simplistic blocks have linework only on layer 0, and a block should always be assumed that it may have linework on any numbe of layers, and any amount of nested sub-blocks.




5 years ago

I will definitely try the match properties!   But for future reference, is there a way to bring in someone's block that will make their linework on layer 0?    Or do they have to create it that way.?



Thanks for sending that file in.

For the tree on layer L-Trees_Saved, that block is made up of a small circle, and a block, CIRCLE-T1_55.

In the block CIRCLE-T1_55, the outer Spline and inner circle are both on layer RD_EX_VEG.


For the tree on layer L-Trees_Removed, that block is also made up of a sub-block, with the linework on layer RD_EX_VEG.


So it actually seems the much simpler solution, is to get rid of these non-sensical blocks!

I had no problem using our Match Properties tool to assign blocks from our Generic Trees library to them, which should be much easier for you to you deal with.  Note you'll still need to use the Block Editor, to see what layer the inner linework is on.  Or alternately, you could use blocks that have their linework on Layer 0, so that they will adopt the settings of whatever layer they are placed on.






I think it's going to dramatically improve our chances of helping you if you could either send in the drawing file, or attach it here.



5 years ago

Wait -  If I change the block color in the block editor and save it,  it does not change the block color in my drawing.   I think I would have to explode the block in my drawing for it to change..

5 years ago

I tried both but no luck - the plot transparency was 1 and the transparency box was marked on the plot screen.    The only way I seem to be able to change a block is to go into the block editor and change it there - but then that changes them all.   In addition to the transparency, the block does not show the color of the layer I have it on.  It seems to keep all the properties from when it was sent.    



Try setting the AutoCAD system variable PLOTTRANSPARENCYOVERRIDE to 1, and make sure "Plot Transparencies" is checked in your plot settings. That should make sure the layer transparency gets applied during the plot.


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