Friday, 13 September 2024
  4 Replies
  1.5K Visits
I'm trying to make a custom block into a Ref Note amenity by following this procedure: Convert Generic Blocks Into Reference Notes
When I do that I get a message "You must first save the block into the Plan Graphics library using the Save Block tool. I don't want these block to be available in our Firm library but do want to use them as amenities for this project. Is there a way to use a custom made block as an amenity without putting it in the library?
Accepted Answer
Franco, there is no way to assign a block that's just a definition in that drawing as a reference note, since it'd break our import refnote feature.

I suggest creating a "Company Project" folder in the plan graphics directory and then a folder under that for this specific project. Then it's pretty clear it's a very specific block and not a standard block saved in the benches folder or whatnot.

Follow our documentation page to create a custom folder in plan graphics:
Save Your Blocks Into Our System (Save Block): Creating Your Own Block Subfolders

Franco Manno set the type of the post as  Issue — 6 months ago
Accepted Answer
Franco, there is no way to assign a block that's just a definition in that drawing as a reference note, since it'd break our import refnote feature.

I suggest creating a "Company Project" folder in the plan graphics directory and then a folder under that for this specific project. Then it's pretty clear it's a very specific block and not a standard block saved in the benches folder or whatnot.

Follow our documentation page to create a custom folder in plan graphics:
Save Your Blocks Into Our System (Save Block): Creating Your Own Block Subfolders

Franco Manno selected the reply #7019 as the answer for this post — 6 months ago
6 months ago
Thanks. I've got the blocks saved into Land F/X in a subfolder. Placing the blocks through the Refnotes manager is working fine. When I'm making or regening a Refnotes schedule however, I have to hit the enter key after Land F/X makes each line of the schedule using my blocks. After I hit enter (or space bar) it will scale the block and then proceed to the next line. For the Refnote items using Land F/X blocks, it creates the lines without any input from me. Is this normal? It seems to me like it should create the entire schedule without me having to hit enter after each custom block.

Your blocks are likely Uniformly Scaled. If you remove this, they will insert without issue.

6 months ago
That fixed it.
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