Sunday, 14 April 2024
  3 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Long time reader first time poster, I figured I would chime in with a few features I would appreciate on the center pivot side of things. I know there isn't very many people that use the feature but I've been using it exclusively and there is a few things I would love to see added.

- Save frequently configured pivots in the center pivot selection menu.
- Ability to adjust the arc of the center pivot after it has been placed. Occasionally I will accidentally click and I'll have to start all over going back through the menu and configuring it out I would like.
- Numbers counting up on copy and pasted center pivots. previously implemented but with the updates went away.
- Upon completion of a drawing being able to export the length of each tower in a list with the pivot number to make the quoting process down the line more streamlined.
- Ability to select a tire size or input a tire size (also set it as default) that would display on export with tower lists. When doing a large design I have to take a lot of notes and it can be very time consuming.

There is a few more things I would like to see added such as the ability to save and set a span price, set defaults for the span pipe size ect all things that would hopefully be able to be exported.
I know some of these are big asks and I don't expect to get everything I ask for, but if anyone With Land F/X would like to see a project I've been working on I will happily send over a file.
Benjamin Calaway set the type of the post as  Task — 10 months ago

Welcome, and many thanks for your ideas. We are hoping to freshen the Center Pivot tool this year, so this is perfect timing.
We'll be reaching out to go over some of these. In the meantime, please continue to make note of your wishlist items.


What a refreshing post. I would be very interested in learning more about the Center Pivot applications. What do I know about it? As much as I can from the window seat of an airplane. I'll definitely be following your posts.

One question that I have is an easy one for you probably. How does one match precipitation between the center of the area being covered and the outer part of the radius? It's all a mystery to me.
10 months ago

What a refreshing post. I would be very interested in learning more about the Center Pivot applications. What do I know about it? As much as I can from the window seat of an airplane. I'll definitely be following your posts.

One question that I have is an easy one for you probably. How does one match precipitation between the center of the area being covered and the outer part of the radius? It's all a mystery to me.


Glad somebody has taken interest in Center Pivots. To answer your question precipitation is determined by what we refer to as a "Sprinkler Package". Sprinkler packages will outline the spacing and nozzle size for said sprinklers down the machine as well as the height the sprinkler needs to be off the ground. The chart will also outline necessary pressure depending on the sprinkler type. Rule of thumb is to always assume the highest GPM per acre you would ever require and then size your mainline for that. example: 1310ft machine is 123.7acres, high end water usage is typically 8GPM per acre under pivot leaving you with very simple math of 8*123.7=989.6GPM required at whatever pressure the customer requires (if none decided I default to 65psi). The rest is left to the chart which I'll attach below.

Land F/X could actually make it really simple to get your GPM on a center pivot by allowing you to enter requested GPM/acre as well as pressure instead of speed or anything like that is its not a constant variable.

Thank you for your interest! I hope my explanation helps.
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