Wednesday, 14 February 2018
  1 Replies
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Is there a way to label a group of plants using a single callout but a combination of group label and arc label? The typical scenario I am trying to address is labeling 2 or 3 clusters of a particular shrub that are located in close proximity to one another. When the clusters are touching one another we would typically not use arcs or lines to connect individual shrubs, but we will use an arc to connect one cluster to another. It does not appear that LandFX's labels can accomodate a combination of grouping methods. Using separate labels for each cluster would result in a needlessly cluttered drawing. As a work-around we've been using the label as a group option and manually adding arcs to visually connect the clusters.

Is there a better way to achieve the same visual result using the LandFX tools?

Thank you,
Yes, your workflow is mostly correct, but I'd probably actually use the plant arc label to place arcs rather than the polyline or arc tool. You will only need to delete the resulting labels and leaders at the end but it will leave you with easier to place arcs that are always on the right layer.
They're easier to place because with the connecting arc callout you don't have to worry about accidentally snapping to the wrong point other than the centre of the trunk, and you can define the trail of the arc on each segment.

Then use the group label at the end. Remember that you can define group label by polygon if needed.
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