Wednesday, 17 July 2019
  3 Replies
  3.8K Visits

I'm working on a project for a landscape nursery that likes to run drip line (actually soaker hose) above ground through their in-ground tree stock.  I created a drip line that is somewhat close to the estimated flow of soaker hose and drew each individual drip line which are about 20 feet apart (which is why I have to draw individual drip lines versus a hatched area).  I then connected a lateral (PVC) line to these individual runs of drip line.

Yesterday I needed to make some changes and add some more of these drip line runs and connect them to lateral piping, but I cannot get the two to connect which means I cannot size the zones.  So my question is how can I connect the two products together?

An example of this setup would be an electric valve, PVC lateral leaving the valve and then an above ground stand pipe every 20 feet with a hose connection that runs to the row of trees.  This is where the soaker hose begins.  I tried using a "transition" point within the drip equipment, but I cannot snap to that either with the drip line, only the lateral line can snap to it.

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong or if there was a change recently that is now preventing me from doing this since it worked before.

Thank you

5 years ago


Then we will need you to send in your files so we can take a look at what might be going on. Please submit a Tech Support ticket using the following link and we can help you from there.

How to Submit a Technical Support Ticket


That is how I was able to do it the first time.  But when I went to make changes and add in more of these single length driplines, I was unable to connect them even when placing the dripline first.



5 years ago


As far as connecting the laterals with single length dripline goes, the order of operations right now would be to place your dripline first then connect the laterals from there. The dripline will not cut into itself or connect to a lateral pipe fitting, so you need to place the dripline in a way that allows for fittings where you plan to branch off with more dripline (since the dripline will only connect to other dripline fittings).

So, for integrating into existing locations, you will want to delete a given section of lateral pipe, draw in your dripline, then connect back together with lateral line before sizing again.

Let me know if I have misunderstood what you are after and we can go from there.

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