Friday, 21 April 2017
  4 Replies
  4K Visits
I have a streetscape Project that will require some slightly curved or " banana" type sleeves from planter to planter so as to avoid storm sewer boxes and light poles.

My work-around in the past has been to draw the curved sleeves on a separate layer and then draw the same length of straight sleeves outside the print area in model space so that the schedule picks up the quantities. My current project is over 3500' on either side of the street corridor and will pretty much have sleeves for planter to planter along both sides of the street for the entire length.

Is there an easier way to create curved sleeves so that the schedule will pick up the quantities?
Accepted Answer
Yeah, with the recent improvements to Sleeving, this was pretty much the only wishlist item we weren't able to get to.
But it is definitely still on the list, and should be tackled in the summer along with some other irrigation items.
In the meantime, you do have the best workaround.

Accepted Answer
Yeah, with the recent improvements to Sleeving, this was pretty much the only wishlist item we weren't able to get to.
But it is definitely still on the list, and should be tackled in the summer along with some other irrigation items.
In the meantime, you do have the best workaround.

Ha, ha. Banana sleeves. This reminds me of the old days (back when I was in construction) when we used to put the PVC pipe up to the exhaust from the truck to heat and "bend" the pipe. I'm sure that the pipe integrity was somewhat compromised. How are they making "banana" sleeves now? I don't see them at the local pipe supply yard.
7 years ago
I usually spec HDPE if I need a banana curved sleeve. Different HDPE classes have varying degrees of manufacturer approved flex generally proportional to the pipe diameter. It can be staked in place if needed. Google : "How far can I bend HDPE pipe?" and check it out ;)

Sometimes it just can't be done and then they get a Quazite box in the sidewalk...
Ah yes. One of the beauties of HDPE. And that exhaust pipe only worked for up to 1" pipe. We used it for sleeving control wire and low voltage lighting wire. -- Have a great one!
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