Tuesday, 17 November 2015
  4 Replies
  4.7K Visits
I would like to see an option in circuiting that would allow zoning custom dripline. Right now we can zone drip areas and emitters but not custom inline drip tubing even though you can enter flow rates and spacing. Is this something that in the works?

This is on our calendar, to be done as soon as possible. We will be wrapping up several irrigation items before some scheduled site amenity improvements, so it should get done amply before March.

Jeremiah, just checking to see if any progress has been made on this.
Our Dripline re-engineering got a bit postponed, but is still on the list.

The redo of the entire piping system has ended up being a much bigger hit than we envisioned, but it will be coming out next week, so there will be something to look forward to!

I would certainly hope so. The current Dripline selection process will be amended with a new dialog box, to specify emitter and row spacing.

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