By CadMonkey on Monday, 26 June 2017
Posted in Irrigation
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I've created a custom wye strainer under the Filtration option of the Auxiliary Equipment section of the Irrigation Manager. Before placing the block in my drawing, I reloaded the irrigation schedule to update some other information and the custom wye strainer showed up on my schedule. I then deleted the irrigation schedule from my drawing and the custom equipment wye strainer from the Land F/X Irrigation Manager. I followed that up with a PRG, save, and exit. Upon opening the drawing again, I created the wye strainer again, inserted a new irrigation schedule, and the wye strainer still shows up even though the block is not placed in my drawing. Maybe I'm missing/skipping a step somewhere or created the custom equipment incorrectly? Please see the images below for reference.
Update: I found that the custom equipment that I created was 'sharing' the same block as another piece of outdated equipment. After deleting the old equipment the problem seems to have been corrected.
7 years ago
0 Votes
Nice investigative work! That is exactly what I was going to tell you to look for, a piece of equipment using the same handle id.

Let us know if you have any other questions!
7 years ago
1 Votes
I got lucky. Thank you!
7 years ago
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