Wednesday, 18 September 2019
  5 Replies
  4.4K Visits

I have been using decimal feet as the Drawing Units for my designs. However, the builder I work with prefers feet and inches--especially the team that does the hardscapes. 

My question: If I have a plan that's in decimal feet, can I change the units to Architectural feet and inches--and have the drawing remain accurate? 



5 years ago

OR, can I just change my Dimstyle so that when I show spot elevations and dimensions, they'll display in feet and inches?




You can edit your dimstyle to display Feet and Inches.  We show a couple ways to do that here.

Our Spot Elevations currently do not have a setting to display feet and inches, although it's certainly something that we could add.  In the meantime, you could always buy your hardscape crew this snappy decimal measuring tapecool



5 years ago

Thank you. I changed the dimstyle successfully. Perfect. 

In this case, the trouble is with the spot elevations.  

I notice that plans from landscape architects give the spot els in decimal feet. But in talking with the guys who build these things, it's clear that they prefer inches--and are annoyed with having to convert. I've given them a table that translates inches to decimals. Maybe the tape measure is the next step.

They are not my crew--I get hired by them when they need drawings or designs--so I want to keep them happy. 





Luckily the Spot Elevation is governed by a dialog box, so it would be fairly straightforward to add a unit display preference to it.

Maybe someday, space aliens will conquer us, and we'll finally be forced to use the metric system.



5 years ago

Yeah. If the space aliens come, I will provide the beer. Liters of it. 

I'm not sure how many other people would want such a feature for the spot elevations. I know that I'd score some points. 

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