Wednesday, 26 February 2025
  2 Replies
  180 Visits
Hello... I am updating a Meter Map with over 7 meters and on the meters where I am operating multiple valves at once let's say at 50gpm the multi-valve flow will show as 50gpm and therefore the residual flow will be 0gpm. The issue is that no two valves add up perfectly to 50gpm, so how could the residual flow be 0gpm?

On the meters where I run one valve at a time, let's say at 25gpm, and my max flow station is 24.03gpm, the residual flow is .97gpm, which makes sense.
Accepted Answer
Hey Nancy, Jesse with the Land F/X irrigation team here. Thanks for posting your question. There is 0 GPM residual flow available because you're setting the maximum multi-valve flow to the same flow that is available at your water source. You should set the maximum multi-valve flow to be a reasonable sum of flows of multiple zones in your plan running at once. For example, if you determine that flow to be 47 GPM, you would have a residual flow of 3 GPM. You can read more about this in our Sizing the Mainline documentation .
Nancy Cano set the type of the post as  Issue — 4 days ago
Accepted Answer
Hey Nancy, Jesse with the Land F/X irrigation team here. Thanks for posting your question. There is 0 GPM residual flow available because you're setting the maximum multi-valve flow to the same flow that is available at your water source. You should set the maximum multi-valve flow to be a reasonable sum of flows of multiple zones in your plan running at once. For example, if you determine that flow to be 47 GPM, you would have a residual flow of 3 GPM. You can read more about this in our Sizing the Mainline documentation .
Nancy Cano selected the reply #7270 as the answer for this post — 4 days ago
Some additional color for the multi-valve flow logic.
Nancy's max station flow is 24, let's say some other valves are 20, 18, 11, all such values. So with a multi-flow size set at 50gpm, why is it reporting 50gpm, when no two or three valves combined equal 50? As in, even though the multi-flow max was set to 50, shouldn't it be like 48gpm, equaling the sum of valves that most closely met the maximum?
The answer is in how it assigns the flow when sizing the mainline. So let's run through that. Let's say those 4 valves are at the end of the run, 24, 20, 18, 11. The pipe feeding the last valve, 24gpm, well clearly that pipe should be sized for 24gpm, we can all agree on that. Now backing up, to the segment feeding now the 2 valves at the end, our 24 and a 20. Well now we have 44gpm, pretty obvious we all agree on that, that segment will be sized at 44gpm. But now we get to the third valve, 18gpm. So the total downstream demand is 62gpm, definitely above our max. So what should that pipe segment be sized at? Should it be 44gpm, because that is still the maximum possible of the combination of downstream valves? Or should it be 50, because we have crossed that threshold of 50, even though not exactly in any valve combination downstream?
As we pass the 4th valve, the quandary continues, because now 20 + 18 + 11 = 49. So should that segment be sized at 49gpm, even though there is 73gpm downstream?
So, the decision we made, was once the total downstream flow is higher than the max gpm, it just simply uses the max gpm for consistency. Because the alternative, would be one segment sized at 44, the next at 49, and then likely 49 all the way back to the meter. So in a sense, that might be more accurate, but we felt that with best practices for planning for future work on the irrigation system, that the more simplistic logic with more consistency of pipe sizes made more sense.
Of course, totally open to ideas on the subject! It's always been fun explaining the logic when this question comes up, so I'm very curious what people think about it.

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