Friday, 19 July 2024
  7 Replies
  1.8K Visits
Hi All,

We often generate Design Development Plans (some Building Architects call them Bridging Documents.). This is a set between Schematic Design and Construction Documents. Right now we are working with the City of Anaheim and the City of New York using this type of drawings. Anaheim has a Specific Plan and they want their planners to have a document to reference as they condition new development. In New York, the Contractor will generate "Shop Drawings" which are basically CD's that don't go through the city's review process. We review, comment and approve.

At this point, we have only one issue. The schedule for the plan does not include a description (which is called "notes" in the schematic irrigation/circuiting pop up) for the schematic irrigation areas, nor does it allow us to reference details.

Does anyone have a workaround that doesn't include manually adding the text to our irrigation schedules?

Besides that, LandFX provides all of the tools necessary to generate Design Development Irrigation Plans.

Please take the time to open the attachments.

Thanks n advance.
Accepted Answer

There is a checkbox in the schedule dialog box to select "Description" for Schematic Areas, that should be all you need to do.

Assigning a detail to a schematic area is a new one, never heard that need before.

Steve Cook set the type of the post as  Issue — 8 months ago
Accepted Answer

There is a checkbox in the schedule dialog box to select "Description" for Schematic Areas, that should be all you need to do.

Assigning a detail to a schematic area is a new one, never heard that need before.

Also, I'm real glad that LandFX is working on allowing an item to be tied to multiple detail references. It should be obvious how welcomed that will be relative to this issue. Since it looks like for now at least we'll have to edit the schedule manually we'll be adding multiple detail references to the different schematic areas.
Steve Cook selected the reply #6821 as the answer for this post — 8 months ago
Awesomeness. Thanks Jer! I knew it was probably operator error. We'll wait for the ability to add details. But I scratch my head..... Why wouldn't this option be available? It sure would be nice so that if details moved we could have the schedule automatically update.
Please put it on the wish list. I don't know how difficult or time consuming it may be, I am excited to have the descriptions show up though. Thanks again LandFX!
It sure would be nice if this (see image) would be filled automatically:
Still need to tie details to the Schematic Areas. Is this difficult?

With the RefNote Schedule release coming up on the 16th, all of our efforts are on buttoning that up and testing it.
Detail assignment for Schematic is indeed not very difficult, just some copy/paste of code, should get completed with a batch of irrigation items scheduled for November.

Nice. :) It looks like you're already looking at getting this to the people. When I generated a schedule, it gave me an extra column without a column heading. Thank you!!!
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