By Steve Cook on Monday, 13 February 2017
Posted in Feature Requests
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Hi Wizards of the FX. I've always wondered, but have forgotten to ask for so many years. When saving a detail there is a spot to enter a description and notes relative to the detail that is being saved. Yet I've never found where that description is made available to the users. For instance, we have some root barrier details which are to be used in some agencies which like them to be placed if within 6' of hardscape. Others within 8' of hardscape. We have a detail for each and the difference is stated in the description; however, when we go to the Detail Manager or Detail Explorer that description is not shown. It's almost as if someone had the forethought to allow for this, but never followed through with the code. Is htis one of those "Oh, we'll get to that when we get to that." issues? Well it will be nice when you get to that. Or do I have a setting toggled off?
Steve Cook, Stantec

I'll see what I can do about getting it together this month.

Already hoping to add on the ability to Search the descriptions, so it goes well with that.



4 years ago
1 Votes
The description is available in the Detail Explorer when you select the detail.
It is also schedule to become a searchable field, no later than the end of April.

8 years ago
1 Votes
Having the detail Description/Notes may be helpful in the Detail Explorer, but there are two locations were it would really be helpful:
1. The "Detail Manager" so we could see the difference before inserting them into our drawings (some differences are too small to show up in a preview and text would be easier and faster)
2. The "Add Details to Project" dialog box.

How are other selecting the various details that are subtlety different? We have to go to the explorer, write down the detail number and then go back into the Irrigation Manager, then into the Edit Equipment, then into the Set detail.
I look forward to the day when I can see the Description/Notes where I can use them more directly.
8 years ago
0 Votes

Jeremiah and Amanda,

I can't believe that this hasn't been addressed yet. Especially since the detail explorer went through such a wonderful revamp. We still need to be able to see the detail description in the detail manager. We may have three or more different details with the same name. They cannot be described in the title as being different since there's not room for the extended description. The differences should be, and are, in the in the supplemental description. We do not keep project detail folders so we don't populate the project detail folder from the explorer.  We add details through the Detail Manager or through the assignment at the Equipment Info dialog box. Still, the description is not available through these methods. I just don't get it. How can we not feel that this is an important piece of information that the user needs to determine which detail to assign to the element?


4 years ago
0 Votes



The updates so far aren't the end of detail improvements. There's still a lot going through.

Right now the focus is on the explorer so the manager isn't changing too much, but we'll discuss the ability to show the description in the manager and see what can happen and when.


In the meantime, there is the option to have a multiline detail title to get some more information in there. Even with more description information in the future, a more descriptive title will still be helpful to already have going.

Create a Multiline Detail Title



4 years ago
0 Votes

The description is available in the Explorer, beneath the preview.  This would be the most logical thing to do across all dialog boxes, anytime there is a preview, to have the description below.



4 years ago
0 Votes

Thank you for your understanding Jeremiah! Looking forward to that! Not that I'm anxious (okay I am), when could something like this become available?

Amanda, Thanks for your suggestion, but a multi-line title for the purpose of identifying the detail in the detail manager seems like a poor work-around. If the set that is being produced does not need to differentiate between various details since there's only one of these items in the project, why expand the title? Why not just offer the description in the Detail Manager where it is useful?

Thanks for all you do to make our job easier.

4 years ago
0 Votes
It's been 6 years now, so it's probably alright if I bring this up again. Right? From the project detail manager, we are given the opportunity to add a detail to the project. (NEW button). But this does not bring us to the Detail Explorer. It brings us to the "Add Details to the Project" interface. This is where we may have multiple details with the same title. And the details may vary ever so slightly (inches of cover for irrigation pipe, number of stakes to use for various sized trees, and a plethora of other elements). These elements are too small to distinguish in the preview window. How can it be so hard for you wizards to make visible the description so we can see it as we select various details for preview prior to adding to our project?
1 year ago
0 Votes

Yeah, this one just fell through the cracks.
I added it to the todo list, it will get added soon.

1 year ago
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