Monday, 16 September 2019
  3 Replies
  2.9K Visits

Is it possible to create a custom hatch category? We are looking to group our preferred hatches/company presets all in one place. If a custom hatch category is not possible is there a way to group our hatches together?







The custom categories would actually show up underneath those top buttons.  It would be similar to how the Truecolor group has sub-categories.  That is the possible future expansion, however it has not yet been implemented.

So for now, your only option is to utilize the pattern name as a method of grouping or organizing them.  They group by pattern name, so that multiple scales or rotation of the same pattern appear together.

I think we will definitely do some sort of reorganization and/or reordering in the future.  We are open to suggestions, if you have a mockup of what you are after.



5 years ago

Jeremiah - custom sub-categories that show up underneath the "detail" category would be perfect. That would solve our problem. Our end goal is to have our "standard" hatches living in one spot so users can only pick from that list.



Looking forward to when that change is implemented. Thanks!



Pretty much all of the detail hatches are "standard" in our mind.  If there's a way we can improve the default, we'd rather do that.



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