Wednesday, 12 September 2018
  14 Replies
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Morning all,

Will there or is there already a way to reference multiply details in a schedule from 1 Reference note, without overriding the block?

Thank you,
Wes, Good to hear from you. Currently there is not a method to do what you are asking for. Originally, that was an issue for us since we used to list multiple detals for a single item. For instance a tree in the legend/schedule would have three details listed. One for the planting & basin, another one for the root feeding/aeration/de-watering tubes and one for the staking. Now we reference just one detail in the schedule. This detail shows all of the elements, but doesn't detail all three. Rather we use callouts to reference the other two details from that detail. In the parent detail (if you will) the other callouts are actually in the detail, not the paper sheet. Then when that child detail is placed the callout is automatically populated in the parent detail.

One thing that I like about this method is that I think (I'm not sure) that it automatically brings in the associative details when the parent detail is linked to the element.

Sometimes if we don't know know which detail we will be referencing, or we don't know if we will even be cross referencing a detail, we may have language in the notes that state "...if specified." and we'll place a callout in the parent detail on a non-plot layer following that text. That way we know to look to see if that element is specified. If it is, we insert that detail onto a sheet and place a callout in the paper drawing (overlaying the non-plot one in the parent detail) that is referenced to that detail.

Sorry if this is confusing. I may not be the best at describing this method. I'll bet that the wizards at LandFX have produced a nice video that shows this method in a more understandable way.

Yes, as Seaweed mentioned, if you place a callout inside another detail, they'll auto-link. This means as soon as you place the detail with the callouts, Land F/X will load the details it's calling out into the detail manager for the current project, ready to place.
Placing Detail Callouts within a Detail
Power Tip: Naked Callouts

Otherwise, the ability to reference more than 1 detail for a single refnote is on the wishlist and definitely on our radar. I don't have a specific date yet for that, but likely by this time next year. So keep checking in, and checking out the update notes: Land F/X Version Update History

5 years ago

Hi Amanda,

Just following-up on the above conversation from last year, Do you have any updates?

Thank you,




We have a lot of Detail related wishlist items that were moved to the first half of 2020, this one included.

That said, however, this one is going to be very tricky to engineer, which is partly why it has continued to linger on the wishlist.



5 years ago

Thanks Jeremiah.


"Tricky?" Maybe for mere mortals. But in my opinion, based on my experience,  the abilities of LandFX wizards are far greater.  

4 years ago

Hey guys, 

Just checking in on the progress of this feature. It would really come in handy for us. 





For us, this issue has gone away. The system that Amanda suggested above (10/12/18) is what we're using now. It is far more efficient. We only have to link one detail and all of the other support details are automatically brought into our detail manager ready to place on the plan.

For instance, we have a few tree planting details. They reference various elements based on the project's requirements. They include references to a staking detail, a feeder tube, a root watering system, de-watering elements and the like. All we have to do now is choose the right parent detail and as Amanda mentioned above, all of the other (child) details are brought into the project. The single detail, such as the tree planting detail that I mentioned above, has bubble tags which are automatically filled in when they are added to the sheets. If a callout is not filled in, that means that it hasn't been inserted onto a sheet. - So for us, the way that it's working now is fine.

Placing Detail Callouts within a Detail
Power Tip: Naked Callouts

Since you're interested in this type of stuff, you may want to go over and look at this thread too. Hopefully they'll have a power tip on this one soon.

Have a great day and stay happy and safe.


BTW, Thanks for using the Forum!

Good to know those workarounds help.

But this is definitely still on the wishlist.  And still very challenging to pull off, so it will likely continue to linger until some miraculous brainstorm provides some guidance on how to do it.



Okay Community,

Our workaround is now broken. When we're working with City standards where we have created a fake detail sheet that is never printed so that the schedule can read as "XX-X/CTY. STD." we can't use the bubble to reference the other detail (since the City standards are printed with the bid specifications, not the plans). So now what? For instance, with the main and lateral lines, how do we reference their standard thrust blocks and trenching details? And what about the staking and tree slope planting? AUGH!! What to do? Maybe I'll just wait until I print out mylars and get out the Kroy machine. Many of you probably don't know what either of those are.

The easiest workaround I can think of, is to place multiple Naked callouts to the city standard details.

But, that means carefully moving all those pieces of Mtext to be in the right spot under the "real" detail reference, so questionably better than just having one large piece of Mtext to manually enter all of the city detail references.

But also yes, a strong argument for being able to have two detail references.



Hi Jer,

Thanks for trying. But I don't understand. Maybe you can show this workaround in the LandFX power tip that I hope will be available soon. For now, we're going to manually add Mtext next to the City Standard Detail ID that is associated with the element.



We're hammering this out. We tested it, and have another idea for that workflow Jer outlined, but it'll need a little development.

We're discussing a Power Tip as well, but will probably have a documentation page out first which I'll link here once it's made. I'll reach out once I've got something, but it won't be this week.



This week? I was hoping before the end of business today. Just kidding. You are all out of control awesome. If it's ready for the next project that will be nice. You'll probably be helping us with THIS ONE too.

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