Thursday, 14 December 2017
  4 Replies
  4.1K Visits
Hi all,

We have two very large clients. Both use separate CTB's. If the layers in our Details Template File are included in the two separate clients Preference Sets, Layers section when we insert the detail template will all of the layer colors assume the colors based on the specific clients Preference set? If so, I guess that it's ultra important that ALL of the layers in the template be included exactly the same in the preference set. Right?

Ah. So, we just need to be sure that we load the detail layer states for that particular CTB into our detail sheet prior to inserting any of our standard details. So we'll have one Details LAS for one CTB and another for the other. That makes sense. See? Worm VS. Wizard. I'll just eat more dirt here and create another details LAS
I'm not grasping why you would need to add layers to the list. The creation of blank layers is handled by the layer state file that is chosen when placing the detail template. All that needs to be in the detail template is just a few items, and those layer colors can be converted automatically converted when inserted. I can't imagine those layer names need to change as well?

Oh. How do we add layers to that layer list in references? we need to be able to either add layers to that list, or have a separate detail template for every CTB. If we have to have a different detail template for each CTB please don't tell me that we need ot keep them in separate folders just so that we can assign the folder that it's in a separate drive letter.
I'm a lowly worm. You are the Wizards. I'm sure that you've got a good solution. Please share it with us.

How can we use the same detail template with both CTB's?
There are a few different ways to address this.
The first assessment, is if it merits two additional preference sets, which brings with it all the additional overhead. You also put your designers into having to work with potentially really obnoxious color choices (like Yellow) on a project by project basis.
So one solution, is to work with just your standard colors, and then use our Change Layer Colors tools to convert files upon submittal.
But when the assessment is made to go with a different preference set for a unique client, then changing the Block Colors from the Preferences screen will change the layer colors of any block inserted, including the detail template.
But it would seem to me, the consideration would be of how portable the details are to be, of basically whether you can insert a standard detail onto a sheet for either client, or if you instead have to copy the detail, possibly replace the template, and convert the layer colors.

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