Thursday, 04 April 2019
  1 Replies
  3.3K Visits

We copied details from one project to another in the Detail Explorer. The details are showing up on our Land F/X server in the correct detail folder and the project number in the .dwg name was updated correctly. In the Project Manager the detail folder is set to that same detail folder on the server, but when we open the detail manager (while in a .dwg associated with the correct project) no details display.


Is there a step we are missing? This is the first time we have copied details from one project to another so I am not sure if we are doing it correctly.



We have attached some screen shots.






As a work around we opened each detail manually and used "save detail" to save them to the project with a new detail number. All of these details with new numbers (# 11-20) now display in the Detail Manager. Two of the original details (# 9-10) that were copied in the Detail Explorer are now displaying in the Detail Manager.. additional screen shot added.


A better work around would have been to simply use the New button in the project manager to manually add the details to that project manager from the project folder. That way you could avoid having duplicate details with new numbers in the folder, involving more cleanup later.


For copying details to a project folder, the order of assigning the project to the project detail folder and copying the details matters.


I just tested. If you assign the project to the project detail folder and then copy the details to that folder, the details assign to the project correctly.

If you instead create the detail folder in the detail explorer, copy over the details and then assign the folder to the project, the details won't show up in the details explorer and you'll need to force them in with the New button in the Detail Manager from the project folder. Likely details 9 and 10 were copied after assigning the project folder, but needed a manager refresh to show up.


I'll bring this up with development to see if there's a way to add details already in the folder to the manager at the time of assigning the folder to the project.




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