Tuesday, 24 April 2018
  1 Replies
  3.5K Visits
In the planting schedule set dialog there is a separate pull down for plant name format (Common|Botanical, Common over Botanical, etc...) for each plant type category (Trees, shrubs, groundcover...etc.). This would suggest that you can vary your naming format by plant type category, but when you change one category using the pull-down menu, all the plant type categories get changes to match. Is this the way it is supposed to work? If so, why have separated pull downs in each category?

We have a situation where we have one ground cover in our plant list that has a very long common and botanical name. accommodating this on plant makes our list wider than our typical schedule. As a quick work-around we wanted to have the groundcover category listed with Common name over Botanical name instead of side by side as we have in the other categories, but changing groundcover to Common over Botanical changes all the categories to match.

Thank you,
There is logic in there to help you from having to change all four.
As long as you have the same number of columns, you can vary it. So in this case you would want “Botanical / Common” for the others.

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