Friday, 01 October 2021
  1 Replies
  2.3K Visits

We made custom drip emitter (tree necklace with 4 drippers , 2,1l/h (0,6g/h) each) , and placed it for each tree in the design. Waterng schedule shows 1,7mm/h percipitation rate . The problem is that it is not possible to adjust the amount of water for this emitters when calculating water schedule, it is possible only to specify mm/week . I know from good practice that 1.5h of irrigation for trees (with these emiters in necklace) is more than enough , but when I adjust watering schedule to end up with 1.5h daily and select 4 days in the week , it shows percip rate of 10.2mm and only 526l of water to be used for watering 50 trees? When i put 100mm/weekly to correspond with the neklace (lats saz that one necklace covers 1m2 - 1 tree that needs 100l of water per week) I end up with thousands of minutes in watering schedule for each of four selected days.
This happens each time we put drip emiters in the design, so I need to choose one out of two options, both of them wrong. First is wrong on amount of the water and second is wrong on the irrigation duration. How do I make this work ?

Thank you,

If you send the watering schedule to Excel, it will be a live spreadsheet. So you could then more easily get the desired output.
Alternately, manually alter the schedule either in Excel or CAD, to multiply the l/min of each valve by the desired runtime.
We do plan on allowing setting each valve in either minutes or precipitation, although this is not scheduled until next year.

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