Sunday, 14 July 2019
  8 Replies
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Is there a way to make the drip tree rings/spirals into a regular feature within the drip category where we can toggle to different volumes/sizes simialr to how we do it with overhead irrigation emitters. Over the last 12 months we have been experimenting with drip tree spirals on several of our design/build projects testing out lengths, emitter spacing, tree size, length of tubing etc. We have begun to implement their use on our design side of things. We have found that a one size fits all to tree rings does not necessarily work and the the volume to each tree/shrub should/will vary. We followed creating a drip tree spiral from the power tip video for drip tubing at .9gph at a 12" inch spacing for a 48" box tree. Is there a way to create a 'family' of drip tree spirals that go for tree sizes from 15 gallon to 144" box, spacing from 6" to 18" and from an emitter flow rate of .4 to .9 that I can select the emitter flow rate, then spacing and then toggle through to the appropriate tree ring size? The only other solution I can think of would be to create custom tree spiral blocks based on every variable which would result in about 99 different configurations of drip tree spirals. If it can be simplified so the drip tree ring/spiral is not a custom block but a regular feature in the drip category that I can select parameters and from there I have 11 configurations to tab through and drop into our plans. Hopeully this makes sense.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Best regards,

We've definitely pondered have some more automated process for tree rings.

But I'm not quite grasping how there are only 11 options.

Happy to look into it further, if you'd like to continue to mock it up a bit.

Also, in meantime, you could get all 11 configured in a project, and save it as a template, then making it super easy to Import from.



5 years ago

Thanks for the quick response jeremiah. I have attached our drip tree spirals for some clarity. I was mistaken we actually have 4 versions. Ill mock of all of the iterations for one of the details and send that your way. It would be repeated 4 times based on the emitter spacing. The 11 configurations/size would be after inputing the spacing and emitter size. The 11 configurations would be from a 15 gal/24" box tree up to a 144" box tree. in the event you needed a different emitter size/spacing based on soil type, location, etc. you could create another drip spiral ring with that information.Yea we talked about doing that for the .6 gph at 12" spacing as a temporary hold over, but we did foresee potential issues if built it out completely for all of the possible options.

Hopefully that makes more sense and thanks again for taking a look at this.


That's certainly way more than just 11 configurations.

So we're talking a dialog box that lets you choose your emitter (0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2), then your emitter spacing (6, 12, 18, 24), your spiral radius spacing (6, etc), and the box size diameter.  Which comes to more like 16 x 11 possible combinations.

One thing to be gained would be a more accurate quantity.  I'm not sure where you derived the linear quantity of the spiral as 12 times the diameter.  I found an equation of Pi * number_of_rings * (outer_Diameter + inner_diameter) / 2, which came to more like 30' for a 48" box.

These details also reference a valve box with locking lid for the air relief, but don't show it.  I imagine that valve box can be shared among multiple tree rings?  That would be another thing that would be good to detail and give a symbol to it would seem.

It would be nice to have a detail per tree size, so that it could show the exact layout of the spiral, but that also assumes a consistent 6" spacing, I'm not sure if that would need to be able to vary.

Anyway, I'll get this popped onto the wishlist, and we'll ponder it a bit more!




5 years ago


The linear footage was based on a field trial and error with  the 6" spacing. We are currently retrofitting 8000 trees on a project to drip and found the that ratio of 12 x's the size of the root ball to be a good length. Field conditions may cause the need for adjustment based on slope, soil types in the root ball and out along with species. The intent for the length was to get the tubing approximately 6-12" outside of the edge of the root ball so you would water to roots outside of the rootball as the tree establishes.

We have gone back and forth on the box for the air relief. Sometimes it would be good to have and others not needed. That box would be called out on the valve box detail but I get your point. It might be good to show the outline of the box for reference.

Thats alot of details.... The intent was for an over all tree spiral detail for all sized based on emitter spacing with the lengths shown based on tree size otherwise you could really cover a set of plans with very similar details that could be confusing to the installer but then again so could the lengths shown below the detail. 

Thanks for your help again!

Best regards,

Ah, I missed the 6" beyond rootball note.  That adds another loop, and the calculated total length comes to 43.19'.  So that's getting pretty close!

As for the details -- I was assuming each one of these would be a unique Model, listed in the schedule.  If we go the route of a single Model with multiple Sizes, then it just get a bit difficult explaining what each symbol is in a single line in the schedule.  So if we are talking a model per tree size, then it just also seemed to make sense to have the details be unique to each size, so that it can also show the exact number of rings and distances.  Just spitballing here!

Anyway, still very promising.



5 years ago

Yea it is not exact but with drip we have the flexibility to expand/reduce based on field variables.

I would agree with one model for each tree size for differentiation in the schedule. Like our tree planting detail we might have multiple sizes shown on the plan but they all refer back to one detail 90% of the time. The same concept would apply for the drip spiral detail. The irrigation schedule points to the detail and within the detail each size is covered in the table.

Thanks again!


Best regards,

I just wanted to finish this post out to make sure we had the latest and greatest answer for you and any others who might stumble upon this post. In our latest version release, we introduced the Drip Ring Builder! You can now actually add Drip Rings as a type of drip equipment to your Irrigation Manager. While there are a few other pending improvements happening in the near future, the functionality is there and I recommend going to check it out! Just make sure you are up to date and you should be able to see it.

The link below is a nice little Knowledge Base article that goes more into depth about how it functions. If you have any trouble or questions please don't hesitate to let us know and we can go from there.

Drip Ring Builder

Oh my gosh!!!!! This is excellent. We used to have to bring in custom emitters from other projects and when we went from one manufacturer to another with different emitter flows, we had to make sure that we were pulling the correct block and support flows. This makes it so that we don't need to limit the number of configurations. We will continue to use our custom blocks which are the correct diameter's and show the correct number of rings. Thanks again for doing the hard work for us Jake. And thank you Tysonc2 for asking the question. Perusing this forum is how I learn about new stuff too.
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