Thank you for the lead. However, lineweights in my firm's .ctb are not based on colors but on lineweight assigned to that layer in the Layer Manager toolbar. Layer colors are used in my firm's .ctb to determine what color or shade of gray the line will plot. All colors plot as "Use object lineweight" (that is, a value assigned elsewhere in the layer properties, not to the color) by default, meaning that either a lineweight is assigned to that layer or a global width is assigned to the individual line in the Properties toolbar.
If I understand Block Layers correctly, I can only use it to change layer colors, not layer lineweights as I am able to in the Edit tool. Is this correct?
The attached screenshots show how layers are set up in our company standards. It is unfortunate that this method does not jive well with Land F/X, but that is what works best for the engineers in my office so that is what I am working with.
What are your thoughts?
Neal :)