Thursday, 01 February 2024
  1 Replies
  1.8K Visits
I am currently labeling some plants in Revit and received an error message stating that one of the trees I've put down isn't a land f/x plant. MicrosoftTeams-image (18).png
Victor, how did you copy the plants around the plan? If you select the tree and look at the properties, are all the LAFX parameters in there filled out correctly?

It could be a selection issue where it picked up the floor below the family instead of the family, or it could be the method of copying didn't correctly fill out the parameters (we're working on a different method to eliminate that issue right now). If it's the latter, you can use Mimic from the plant manager on that tree family to reapply the parameters and then labelling should work.

Otherwise, I'll need to see a RVT copy file with the issue. You can submit a ticket with it.
Submit a Revit® Drawing with Land F/X Data Files in a Technical Support Ticket

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