Wednesday, 27 November 2024
  2 Replies
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I want to make a feature request. Once in a while, I need to put in a trench for control wires. I end up adding it as a lateral or mainline. Having to call out a pipe type and then the description is control wire. I then have to edit the schedule block to take out the pipe type.

It would be great to be able to have a pipe type that is blank. That way, I can just change it to call it control wire or something similar. I am then able to draw the wire path. It shows up in the legend.

Thanks, Jason
Our recommended method of showing control wire is to use a RefNote Length. We will be building this into the Irrigation Manager next year, adding a Wire section, which will function the same.


I like this suggestion hoping it is possible to be done in irrigation Land F/X..

I would request too that if we can be able to size the cable wire accordingly to the mainline and give good information of the cable wire in the irrigation schedule.

Some of our clients ask for cabling information but usually we leave it for the contractor to do it.

I would like to hear from other designers if they including the cable wire in their designs and how they do it.

Jason M. Anderson set the type of the post as  Issue — 2 months ago
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