Wednesday, 09 January 2019
  3 Replies
  3.3K Visits

Might be more subjective than others.  But I was thinking as another part of command to fine tune placement of the heads while still mid command to shift left or right - all the heads placed.  so instead of the draw sub command starting at the head, it could be start anywhere - almost like the older version of HEADCOPY where the head didnt need to be on the polyline - where you could just draw your polyline, pick your head, and spread them across.  Suggesting kind of a hybrid of the two.  

Landscape Designer
Belt Collins Hawaii

6 years ago

Well, you might not even know about the BEST/EXACT fit dynamic mode we have introduced to the copy along tools. Check that out here: Copy Along a Path


Also, regarding just shifting things over, you should absolutely utilize our new functions with Move piped Equipment. This should blow your socks right off.


Move Piped Equipment

SICK!!!!  I like it a LOT!  it's a little weird but familiar at the same time.  

And to kinda elaborate on what i was suggesting about a subcommand to shift; please see attached image.  Never really needed it, but sometimes the OCD in me will get to me and, I'm like...WTF LOL.  Not a huge deal really...more subjective to the user i think; just an idea.


Landscape Designer
Belt Collins Hawaii

6 years ago


You might not know, but you can simply use the Match Head tool and click the last head to pick it back up. Place one more head and press C to copy along from that point. Seems that this would be your Hybrid option. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

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