Wednesday, 27 November 2024
  4 Replies
  1.1K Visits
I'm a BIG fan of fxREF - in my opinion a far superior tool when needing to xref items.

Was wondering though if it'd be an option to switch what path type it defaults to? Currently it stays at full / absolute and I have to hand switch it to relative each time. Or maybe have it just recall what was the last option used?

Kevin Pfeiffer set the type of the post as  Issue — 4 months ago

Wow, there's a trip down memory lane. That chunk of code hasn't been touched since 2016.
You are absolutely correct, it should default to Relative. The issue is that Relative will only work if the file chosen has a relative path. If a user chooses a file on a different drive, it will simply error out.
It appears we settled on having it default to Full for maximum utility and minimum error, but it's one of those cases where it was so long ago, and the code is not commented fully in that regard, I'm just not clear on why we didn't have it simply try Relative first, and if that doesn't work, then revert to Full. Or perhaps it needs a validator function, to compare the drawing path with the chosen xref, and determine then if Relative will even work. Likely, a combination of the two.
All to say, just not the 2 minute fix I was hoping it would be, the last day before a holiday. :p
I've gotten it logged, and should be able to get to this in December. It's a small job, just not small enough for today.
Excellent point, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

4 months ago
Sure thing. Hopefully I didn't dredge up too big of a headache.

We're making the switch to ACC - using relatives will make our lives much easier.
3 months ago
Had an idea over the long weekend - would it be possible to add a batchman function that'll batch change xrefs to relative from absolute or the other way around? Not sure how hard this would be to pull off. Oddly, AutoDesk's Reference Manager function doesn't do this.

That is super unfortunate that the Ref Manager can't accomplish this.

Yes, it would be theoretically possible for BatchMan to attempt to change all xrefs to Relative.
But there are many issues there, from the common locking of the xref layer, to the many popups and issues that can occur in opening a file - from the Proxy info dialog to missing fonts to the RegApp corruption notice. So it's not something that can just be a quiet background process, and would be better suited as a command once the file is open. A sort of XrefAllRelative or XAR command sort of thing.

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