Is there a way to place a generic detail frame into a set of drawings? I would like to put the frame into my detail sheet and then place a city standard detail which is a JPEG. I tried to place the image in the detail and then insert it but the pathing is weird, i want Landfx to see the detail name and number and know it is there but i may never need it again, we tried to adapt a similar detail to show the information that the city details show but the City did not accept that and they want the PDF or JPEG on the plans. I made a detail with nothing but the title and inserted it then pasted the images as (pathed images) but I am wondering if there is a way to do the generic frame in my detail sheet and naming it without creating an actual detail. this would be helpful for tables and charts that change as well if we could put a generic fram and title to them but move the raw information into the frame.
just a thought... hopefully like often is the case it is already there and i just don't know it yet
just a thought... hopefully like often is the case it is already there and i just don't know it yet

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