Thursday, 30 January 2020
  3 Replies
  3.1K Visits

When placing a groundcover, and prompted to select a hatch pattern, it seems that there's no logical order as to how the patterns are arranged.  Perhaps alphabetically would be good.  Anyhow, that's beside the point.

We'd like to have a few specific hatches that we prefer to be used located at the top of the list.  Is there an easy way to do this?

I think I can modify the "_groundcover_.xml" file using a text editor but that seems way too time consuming.  

Help would be much appreciated!


An xml file is what Land F/X uses to tell dialogs what to show, which files link with which .sld preview slides, whaat the scale factor is, etc. I'm going to give a heavy recommendation to never manually edit any of our .xml files like that, unless a documentation page specifically tells you to. They're very easy to mess up manually.


You can delete a hatch that you saved in by using the FX_DELETEHATCH tool. You can find a button for it in F/X Site ribbon under the hatch tool in the latest ribbons.


You can't delete our default hatches.



5 years ago

What is the *.xml file for then?  Is it just a list of all of the available hatch patterns?  So, If I wanted to delete a hatch, I could remove it from the *.xml file?



All our hatches are ordered alphabetically by the actual .pat file name. We're considering changing that, but this is how it's ordered now.


So if you want your hatch to be at the top when you save it into the system, copy the .pat file and rename it with a few zeros to begin with, then save it in. 


Again, we're considering it to be more alphabetical to the name/description you save into the system, but this is how it is now.



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