I need to create a custom impact sprinkler head that is not listed in the irrigation manager. How can I do this so that my GMP and PSI is correct? Editing an existing one does not allow me to adjust the GMP. Thanks!
I need to create a custom impact sprinkler head that is not listed in the irrigation manager. How can I do this so that my GMP and PSI is correct? Editing an existing one does not allow me to adjust the GMP. Thanks!
The GPM and pressures are locked on purpose, so the better approach would be to let us know what impact head is missing and we would be happy to add it in.
There generally should be no reason to try and create a “custom head” since all irrigation heads will originate from a particular manufacturer, and will come set with the proper flows and pressures.
If you would like to explain more into what you are trying to achieve then maybe we can give you a better approach.
Hi Jake,
Thanks. I have an area of fairgrounds carnival lawn that will be irrigated manually off the main line with manual valves and K-Lines. The head I need is Naan 5200-SD-Red, which is an impact sprinkler.
Nope. It is this one: http://naandanjain.com/products/5022-sd-sprinkler/. Thanks!
I just wanted to follow up on our discussion. We have added the Jain impact into the system. We do, however, have a bit of a situation with this one. Jain is actually no longer a supporting Manufacturer within our system which is why you will not see them when trying to add equipment like the one you are requesting.
Since we try and accommodate our users in these unfortunate circumstances, I have added this particular equipment into a Land F/X Project (which you will find attached here). **To get around your "no zip files" policy, I have named the attached file "5022-Impact - Jain Shrub Impact-5022.jpg". In order to get this file to work properly after downloading, you will need to rename the file to "5022-Impact - Jain Shrub Impact-5022.lfx"
You will be able to Restore this project into your Project List and then be able to Import the equipment (Shrub Impact) into your desired Land F/X Project. From here you should be able to place and use this equipment as needed.
Please let us know if you have any further questions and we can go from there.