Tuesday, 10 March 2020
  2 Replies
  3.2K Visits

How can you account for elevation change for irrigation for hanging baskets? We are planning to have poles with two baskets hanging from them, along with some shrubs around each pole. The client wants to use mini pepline to form rings around the shrubs and in the baskets.

I've attached a detail for reference. 

Any advice would be much appreciated!



4 years ago


I am sure there are several ways of accounting for the loss up to these pots (and would love to hear from the masses about what they might do), but one way is to definitely use the Spot elevations tool. As shown in the Power Tip link below, you can place these spots around your irrigation plan and make sure to check the "Use Spot Elevations" option when sizing your laterals and mainline.

While I am not 100% on the design layout and equipment you used, I am assuming that you should have enough room to place different spot elevations right next to the different equipment (head vs. valve) so the system recognizes the elevation difference from valve to furthest head.

If you find this to be challenging or have questions as you go, please reach back out in a tech support ticket and we can figure out another solution for you!


Power Tip- Spot Elevations In Irrigation

4 years ago


I'm with Jake on this one. Spot elevations have definitely come in really handy when incorporating elevation differences in our designs. Please see below for a few screen shots of our workflow (simplified views).

I'm interested to read about how others would accomplish the same thing. Maybe I'll reach out to Seaweed to see what he uses for his designs. Something we can talk about over tacos in the near future, lol.



Irrigation Project Manager, CLIA
Glasir Design Irrigation Consulting

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