Tuesday, 03 September 2024
  2 Replies
  1.2K Visits
Good morning dear all,

Hope all are doing great.:)
I assigned a drip ring in one of the irrigation projects but I noticed that the flow rate showing in the edit equipment window FROM THE RIBBON is very high :(
and not matching the flow rate showing in the information equipment in the irrigation manager.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Best Regards
Dear Jeremiah,

Thank you for the reply..

Actually, I added the Drip Ring as new equipment to the irrigation manager.
and suddenly, when I was sizing the connected valves I noticed that flow rate of the valve is very high.

I don't really remember if I did something in specific caused this.

To fix the issue, I deleted the equipment from the irrigation manager , purged and then add it again.\\and then everything worked fine.


I created an identical Drip Ring, yet it shows the same 1.7 lpm.
I don't know if the equipment was replaced, or edited, or the units changed, or what, but clearly something was done other than simply creating the drip ring, placing it, and editing it. Any information you can give us on what you did would be very helpful.

Nibal Ata set the type of the post as  Issue — 6 months ago
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