Friday, 26 October 2018
  12 Replies
  8.2K Visits
((EDIT NOTE! This post is older - see update at the bottom))

The Land F/X Revit Plugin is now available for you to download and use!

So you want to coordinate with a BIM workflow in Revit, but keep the ease of tailor-made Landscape Architecture tools inside AutoCAD? This is exactly what you need! Coordinate your trees and shrubs over to a Revit drawing easily. Edit the layout in revit, and send it back to CAD to update your sheets.

The plugin is currently in the beta testing phase and will be for some time as our development team proceeds with this new platform, but we wanted to give you access as soon as possible. We know we have a lot of Revit users out there who can get a lot of use out of its current form.

What does "beta" mean?
It means we're working on it! We value your feedback as we work to improve the plugin to meet our usual standards. You'll find that some features are not as streamlined as they are in our other plugins yet. We ask for your understanding that the functionality might differ from what you're used to. We'll work with any feedback to provide temporary workarounds – and eventual fixes – as development progresses. Please note that existing functionality fixes and improvements will take priority over requests for additional or expanded features.

We’re also looking for users to visit our forum to provide other users with answers and workaround suggestions. Help make this roll-out process successful! Share your own successes and questions in forum posts. As always, Land F/X is software for landscape architects and architects, by landscape architects and architects.

If you're familiar with our Land F/X SketchUp or Rhino Plugins, the Revit version is similar but not identical. Here are the differences to keep in mind as of this posting:

1. Uses your same Land F/X Support ID. This is included in your current support for only Planting F/X and Irrigation F/X license types (Design F/X does not include access to the 3D Connection tools).
2. We do not offer a Revit-only Support ID (as with SketchUp). To use the plugin, users will need to either register for a 30-day trial or purchase a license of Planting F/X or Irrigation F/X.

1. The plugin is Windows-only. It works with Revit 2018 or 2019.
2. The installer process is different. See our Install the Land F/X Revit 3D Connection Plugin page for instructions.

1. The current version only includes the Project List, Import Plants, Plant Info, Export Plants, and Settings. Other tools from the SketchUp version may be included in future versions.
2. Connection to site amenities is not included in the current version.

Plant Symbols:
1. The block library is not currently connected to our cloud-based block library. You’ll see a step to download our current library of Revit Families on the following pages:

Install the Land F/X Revit 3D Connection Plugin
The Revit Library Folder

2. We will post in this forum each time we make new blocks available in our downloadable library.
3. Because the library is not cloud-based, using custom .rfa blocks is simplified. There's no Browse button. Save families into the library and they'll be available to select (note- currently works with single-instance families only).
6 years ago

Very excited to trial this, I am sitting down with our BIM Manager this afternoon to see what it can do - keep you posted!

Thanks, Michael. We're definitely open to feedback as we work to improve it!

6 years ago



So before we get too far in testing the beta release; what are your intentions of what this plugin can do?


  1. Will it bring the 2D symbol through as well as a 3D representation?
  2. Will it bring all the LandFX data associated to the plant?
  3. Can we import using our own plant library (RPCs)
  4. Can we take back any change to AutoCAD LandFX?
  5. How is the road map of this plugin looking, what else do you want to achieve?







1. Yes. 

2. It certainly can. Currently we only set the bare minimum of instance variables. We can certainly add any of the remaining ones, we would just like some feedback on how these fields should be named. 

3. Yes. We do not provide any content, so all symbology and RPC symbols are up to you. 

4. Yes. 

5. This is a challenging one, in that Autodesk has shown zero enthusiasm in providing even a modicum of site related tools (Curb object, anyone?).  So currently the only additional functionality planned is to be able to assemble your planting palette, assign symbols, and place them into the model.



6 years ago

This is exciting. I'm looking forward to testing this plugin to see if we can incorporate it (eventually) into our Revit workflow. 


A couple of questions: 

1. What is the best way to keep track of the latest plugin builds? I have currently installed version 1.1.

2. When I click on the "Projects" button, a dialogue box opens with LandFX projects, but I think it is referencing an old project folder. Is there a way to change the path to our current LandFX projects? 


Thanks. Matt



You can check the version number from the Settings dialog, which will also notify you if there is an update available.

We don't have any major updates pending until this summer.


As for the data displayed via the Projects screen, the Revit plugin is exclusively accessing Cloud Data.  So for installations like yours, that use Local Data, you will only see projects that have been Exported.  Should you eventually switch to Cloud Data, then both Revit and AutoCAD will access the same data in realtime.



6 years ago

Hello. I have a script error for when i open up Revit for the land FX addin.


What can i do to fix this?







Are you getting the External Tool Failure message?

If so, here's the solution: External Tool Failure (Revit Add-in) Revit Cannot Run the External Application "Land F/X", System.IO.FileLoadException


Otherwise, there's more possible issues/solutions in the troubleshooting section of the install page: Install Troubleshooting



3 years ago
looking for how to install the F/X for Revit to further my Revit experience
3 years ago
Thank you for your interest in our Revit Plug-in for Landscape Architects. It looks like you have reached out to us with a tech support ticket earlier today. We will be reaching out to you via that ticket for further information about the plug-in.

3 years ago
thanks, I will wait for the response
Amanda Marin unfeatured this post — 2 years ago
Heads up! We're out of Beta on the Revit Planting F/X plugin. Reach out to us if you're looking for this.

I'm doing a webinar introducing the plugin tomorrow, January 27, 2023 at 10 am PST (1 pm EST).
Here's the link to register, and it'll be the same link for the recording right afterwards.

Webinar: Intro to Planting F/X for Revit Plugin

We're still open to feedback as we continue to finesse our wishlist priorities, but great new features are being released in updates very regularly:
Planting F/X Revit Plugin Update History

Amanda Marin changed the title from Introducing the Land F/X Revit Plugin BETA to Introducing the Planting F/X Revit Plugin — 2 years ago
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