Wednesday, 07 February 2018
  8 Replies
  5.1K Visits
What features are users implementing to create a controller map and as-build? Basically this would include colored zones showing the coverage area of each valve. We would also need to plot the valve locations, mainline controller, POC location etc. Basically wondering what is the best way to show the coverage area of each zone without plotting all of the sprinkler heads. This would be a map for service techs to use during troubleshooting. Thank you

The easiest is the Colorize option in the Valve Schedule.
You can see the Power Tip video on this here.

7 years ago
Just to clarify this is a zone description or controller map, so no sprinklers are plotted on the drawing. I have attached a recent sample that we created with LandFX using RefNotes because it allowed us to run a schedule.

Any other tips would be outstanding and very helpful.........thanks to LandFX for their support and all of you for any assistance.
7 years ago
I would also like any of your professional opinions on the above attachment? Really........I do and please be honest:) Too many colors?

We want to create a typical template for all of our as-builds which is why we are trying to nail down the process now before we get too far ahead.
For that the best option is typically Schematic Irrigation, which gives you the additional benefit of being able to assign average Precip Rates to each irrigation type, and use the plan for other calculations. You could also use the Site Development (Estimator) tool (which will soon be merged into Concept Graphics). This will provide essentially the same functionality as using RefNotes.
The RefNote Areas are a fine way to do this, and you can even assign a custom Division, letting you assign User Fields, such as Plant Type, Shade, Controller, etc.

7 years ago
Jeremiah......thank you as always and we will try a sample design using the Schematic Irrigation before we move along. If the Schematic will allow for a schedule and to assign the zones that would be great then.
7 years ago
One issue I found using Schematic.......please refer to the previous drawing we attached.

Zones #1 and #4 are both the same type of turf spray and therefor they end up being the same color fill?

Same issue with zones #2 #3 & #5 which all three are the same type or rotor head sprinkler. When I apply the color fill these end up being the same color versus colors that vary to identify the zone coverage area.

Understood. One interesting hack would be to place a single Dripline area at all of those locations. This way you could use the Colorize Zones option. You would probably also want to add the Solid hatch to the dripline hatch options. Then the downside of this approach, is losing the Legend capability of having the color swatches in a list. I do wonder about the utility of that, as it seems challenging to attempt to identify zones by their color -- instead it seems far easier to see the valve that is serving the light blue area, and then track down that valve by its number.
It seems that the ideal would be some sort of automatically colored areas, as having to manually assign each area's color is challenging.

7 years ago

This project has 17 systems total and most are rather large (30-60 zones), but some are larger up to 90 zones and then some smaller systems under 10 zones. Do you see any issues with us mapping all 17 systems with multiple water meters and irrigation well on the same dwg. file? Plan was to use a new "Work Area" for each system. Before we get too far along we would like your advice?

Systems are mostly Rain Bird, yet there is some Hunter and Tucor equipment. Just trying to figure out if we are going to run into issue loading various equipment templates etc. We submitted a support ticket with the drawing attached for reference.

Thank You!!
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