Tuesday, 22 October 2024
  6 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Morning all,

In our office we are designing planting and irrigation plans with separate Land F/X files.

While I am working on the irrigation plan I used to be able to read the planting data by clicking on any type planting using either either "EDIT PLANT" or "EDIT EQUIPMENT" tool.

Now am not able to do this. instead I need to open the planting plan to read the data of the plantings.

my question is:
1- Isn't possible to read the planting data done with separate land F/X file and xrefed in the irrigation plan?
2- The referred planting plan is concept design,
can the reason that I can't read the planting data be related to that only actual plants can be read when xrefed and concept plant need to be converted to actual to be read?

appreciate your input.

Best regards,
Accepted Answer

Plant data is able to be stored with the block or hatch, so even if you don't have the plant in your project, editing it is able to add it back to the current project.
Concept plants, meanwhile, can be assigned a palette of plants, which is unable to be stored in the drawing. So there is no ability to access the concept data if those concept plants are not in the current project.

Nibal Ata set the type of the post as  Issue — 4 months ago
Nibal Ata changed the title from Irrigation file and reading planting plan(xref) to IRRIGATION FILE & READING THE PLANTING PLAN(XREF) — 4 months ago
Nibal Ata updated the category from Irrigation to Irrigation — 4 months ago

We are unable to assign drip emitters to Concept plants, primarily due to the fact that emitters are assigned to plant sizes, and concept plants do not have sizes assigned. We do have a wishlist item to be able to assign emitters to concept plants, as well as to assign emitters to individual plants rather than sizes. But both of these present an incredibly challenge in how to convey the emitter assignments in the irrigation schedule. So for the time being, emitters can only be assigned to regular plants by their size.

Thank you Jeremiah,

Yeah I noticed that the drip emitter area doesn't read the concept plants and I needed to change the equipment.

but my question is if am in my irrigation plan and the planting plan is attached in it what might be the reason that I can't read the plant info when i click the tool edit plan or edit equip of some plants.

Is it because they ARE concept however I used to read the concept plants in other projects while am working in irrigation plan without the need to open the planting plan.

hope this help

Accepted Answer

Plant data is able to be stored with the block or hatch, so even if you don't have the plant in your project, editing it is able to add it back to the current project.
Concept plants, meanwhile, can be assigned a palette of plants, which is unable to be stored in the drawing. So there is no ability to access the concept data if those concept plants are not in the current project.

Thank you Jeremiah..
So as per my understanding since am working on separate land F/X file(separate land F/X project) assigned for irrigation design I won't be able to read the concept plants.

To be able to read the concept plants in my irrigation project may need to restore the planting land F/X file, but then it will overwrite my irrigation Land F/X file, am I right?


With the planting plan as a separate project than the irrigation, you can Import the planting items. Simply go to the Concept Plant Manager, use the Import button, select the project that has the plant data, and import the concept plants.

Nibal Ata selected the reply #7122 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
Nibal Ata revoked the reply #7122 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
Yeah it can be a great solution for reading the concept plants in the irrigation plan. I missed thinking of the import option.

Thank you Jeremiah.

Regards Nibal
Nibal Ata selected the reply #7122 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
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