Wednesday, 21 August 2019
  3 Replies
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We are working on standardizing our Irrigation by making a master irrigation file with typical equipment our firm uses depending on the municipality and office standards. We are doing this by placing all desired equipment in the same file then we would import what we need for a specific project. There are time where we would us the same drip emitter for the "Area for Drip emitter" and "Drip emitter". For example we are using the Hunter HEB for large shrub areas, this is shown using the hatch area. In the same drawing we would use the Hunter HEB for the vine bubblers, in this case we would place each single drip emitter where it would need to be and pipe accordingly. When doing this I get an error message that reads; "You already have the maximum allowed of that type of that equipment in the project".

Is there a way around this so I can use the HEB in both area for drip emitters and drip emitters. 

I did find this solution when I searched this issue on LandFX but I do not want to delete the equipment.

Accepted Answer



The short answer is, you are just going to run into a number of problems by trying to create a master list of every piece of equipment you might ever use.  You will have better luck by creating individual templates configured for certain situations.  But even those are going to run the risk of getting out of date data.

Honestly a better way to accomplish exactly the same thing, is to assemble the master list in Word or Excel.  Then, when starting a project, use that list as a guide to add the desired equipment to the project, which will pull the latest and most accurate data.


As for the remote control valves, the only limit on remote control valves is one of symbol choices.  But if you are assigning them all the same symbol, that shouldn't ever come up, and you should be able to generate a schedule with all of them without issue.  You are welcome to send in your project using the tech support feature of the software so that we can take a look at it.



Accepted Answer



The short answer is, you are just going to run into a number of problems by trying to create a master list of every piece of equipment you might ever use.  You will have better luck by creating individual templates configured for certain situations.  But even those are going to run the risk of getting out of date data.

Honestly a better way to accomplish exactly the same thing, is to assemble the master list in Word or Excel.  Then, when starting a project, use that list as a guide to add the desired equipment to the project, which will pull the latest and most accurate data.


As for the remote control valves, the only limit on remote control valves is one of symbol choices.  But if you are assigning them all the same symbol, that shouldn't ever come up, and you should be able to generate a schedule with all of them without issue.  You are welcome to send in your project using the tech support feature of the software so that we can take a look at it.



5 years ago

Thank you for getting back to me about that. We are creating a firm standard irrigation equipment template. We use a wide range of drip emitters depending on the project. We would like to include both hunter and other manufacturer drip emitters in the template to select from. Is there a way to include more then one type of drip emitter. 

Additionally I noticed that when creating an irrigation schedule with 3+ remote control valves the schedule will only display 2 valves. This is done when I check the box entire pallet when placing the schedule. I have also tried placing the valves in the drawing and then generating a schedule by un-checking entire pallet and the same issues happens. 

- Amanda 



That message is not from using the equipment for both.  You are welcome to use the Hunter HE-B added to a project both as individual Drip Emitters, as well as an Area for Drip Emitters.

The message you are receiving is due to the current limit on only being able to have a single Drip Emitter Area within a project.

This is scheduled to be expanded, with some additional hatch patterns allowing for the multiple instances.



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