Thursday, 16 December 2021
  3 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Is there a way to change the redundant subtitles in the irrigation schedule with out exploding it? The planting schedule has unique subtitles based on the plant type (trees, shrubs, gc). Can the irrigation schedule also provide unique subtitles (heads, valves, auxiliary equipment, and drip)?

3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We were thinking the same thing! We think it makes sense to replace "Symbol" with each respective category, however, "Auxiliary Equipment" is quite wide so might need a bit of thought on what it should say. We are open to suggestions!
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
We were thinking the same thing! We think it makes sense to replace "Symbol" with each respective category, however, "Auxiliary Equipment" is quite wide so might need a bit of thought on what it should say. We are open to suggestions!
3 years ago

To be honest, I am a newbie in irrigation design, so I am probably not well-suited to respond with suggestions. I just assumed that the schedule was based off the irrigation manager like the planting schedule is based off the planting manager. I have two thoughts. One, if the categorization in the irrigation manage has been in use for some time and if there have been no complaint about the titles for the categories in the manager, then "Auxiliary Equipment" may suffice. My second thought is that it may be more appropriate to align the categories based on common categories found in irrigation catalogs.
Stephanie Karp selected the reply #4441 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
3 years ago
No worries, this is more just food for thought as we decide what we are going to do. The nice thing is once we implement this feature, there will be a way for a user to change what those schedule headers are called, from their Preference Set. I know we will be sticking with the categories that are currently featured in the Irrigation Manager/Schedule dialog, but just need to know what to do with such a long header as "Auxiliary Equipment". Is it "Auxiliary" only? Do we shorten in to "Aux Equip"? Or is it just "Equipment"?

Again, we love letting our users have a say in what we do, so leaving it here for discussion before making any final decisions.
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