Monday, 20 May 2024
  4 Replies
  1.2K Visits
Around 150' of my mainline is not sizing in the schedule. I have one size (3") set in my pipe preferences. No errors are showing during lateral/mainline verification. I have labeled each individual mainline run, and they all show as 3". I have even deleted the entire mainline, regenerated the schedule to ensure no mainline remains, and redrawn the entire mainline. This 150' of unsized pipe in the schedule remains.

I have two POCs: one water meter (1-1/2" @ 98 PSI) and one Exg ductile mainline (4" @ 110 PSI). Neither shows an error. I have had this occur on other projects. I usually just edit the schedule and add the unsized length to the sized mainline row. Is there another way to fix this issue?
Thanks to both of you for this thread. It was very informative and now I can come her to review this post when it happens to me. It will spare Jesse and Jake from addressing this anew.
5 months ago
Hey Samuel, I appreciate you sharing that back here. Because your only available pipe size is 3", just placing a pipe label on that piece of mainline pulls that pipe size. To correctly manually apply a size to a section of pipe, even if it is ending to a piece of equipment that has no demand, like an SOV, use the Edit Equipment tool found on the F/X Irrigation ribbon. I just tested this, and that is what happened in your case. So, for future instances like this, select Edit Equipment, select the piece of pipe you want to size manually, select the pipe size dropdown (even though you only have one mainline size available), select the size, and then say OK. If you have the "Color-code size pipe" option selected in your Irrigation Preferences, it will be easier to confirm that you have officially applied a size to that pipe.

Let me know if those steps aren't clear. Thank you for the conversation!

Edit Equipment
Irrigation Preferences
5 months ago
Hey Jesse. I went through the steps above and ran into the same problem, but the piece of pipe highlighted was a leg of the mainline attached to an existing mainline that ended in a shut off valve. I added a no-plot cap, and the pipe is now sized correctly. The strange thing is that the pipe was sized before. I could label it, and it would show 3".

Thank you for the help!
5 months ago
Hey Samuel. Jesse from the Land F/X irrigation team here. I appreciate you posting this to the forum because we can share our go-to troubleshooting method for unsized pipe in irrigation schedules. If you would like us to troubleshoot and review your drawing, or if the below method doesn't resolve your issue, we will need you to create a ticket and submit your files. Our Highlight Station tool is perfect for fixing this. When used on irrigation equipment that has not been connected to pipe and other equipment, it will highlight the same equipment elsewhere in the drawing. Unsized pipe displays in the irrigation schedule because the pipe has not been correctly connected to irrigation equipment, preventing it from being sized by our sizing tools. Because the pipe hasn't been connected to anything, and because it is unsized, this means we can draft a piece of pipe and use Highlight Station to find it. So, in your case, you would draft a piece of mainline pipe using the same pipe class as the unsized pipe in the schedule and then use Highlight Station on that pipe. That pipe section and all other unsized mainline pipe will be highlighted. Whether you can see the highlighted sections of pipe or not, while the command is still active, press S to "Select highlighted entities". Then, you can erase and PRG (Land F/X purge command) out the unsized pipe. Run Verify Mainline to help ensure you didn't break anything, resize your mainline, and then regenerate your schedule to see if the unsized pipe disappeared. I hope this helps you and others!

How to Submit a Technical Support Ticket
Highlight Station
Samuel G Bickel updated the category from Irrigation to Irrigation — 5 months ago
Samuel G Bickel updated the category from Irrigation to Irrigation — 5 months ago
Samuel G Bickel set the type of the post as  Bug — 5 months ago
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