Monday, 21 October 2024
  10 Replies
  1.3K Visits
Good morning Land F/X community,
Hope you are all doing great.:)

Please I feel that the pipe transition point block is a bit big at any drawing scale and need to make anew one from the existing one and scale it to be smaller when i place in any drawing.

can you please send me to the helpful links to do this properly without affecting the original block?

Thanks in advance
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Good morning Nibal!
Here are a few resources that should help guide you along. While it doesn't show customizing the PTP (Pipe Transition Point) specifically, the concept is the same.
1- Open the source block, so you start with the appropriate starting size (if you click the thumbnail in your existing PTP you will see the block names... "PTP-001") **You will find these in the Drip folder within Irrigation Blocks folder.
2- Once the changes are made, do a SaveAS so you keep the existing files as they were, making a new block to pick. Just make sure to keep with the same naming structure so it shows up to pick from. We have used up to "PTP-006" so use any number after that so you don't interfere with existing blocks.

Once the new block is saved you can assign this to your equipment like any other piece of equipment.

Editing Our Default Irrigation Symbols

Power Tip: Customizing Irrigation Equipment Symbols

Nibal Ata set the type of the post as  Issue — 4 months ago
4 months ago
Accepted Answer
Good morning Nibal!
Here are a few resources that should help guide you along. While it doesn't show customizing the PTP (Pipe Transition Point) specifically, the concept is the same.
1- Open the source block, so you start with the appropriate starting size (if you click the thumbnail in your existing PTP you will see the block names... "PTP-001") **You will find these in the Drip folder within Irrigation Blocks folder.
2- Once the changes are made, do a SaveAS so you keep the existing files as they were, making a new block to pick. Just make sure to keep with the same naming structure so it shows up to pick from. We have used up to "PTP-006" so use any number after that so you don't interfere with existing blocks.

Once the new block is saved you can assign this to your equipment like any other piece of equipment.

Editing Our Default Irrigation Symbols

Power Tip: Customizing Irrigation Equipment Symbols

Thank you Jake,

I will try this.

Best Regards,
Hello Jake,

I just tried creating a new smaller pipe transition point from the existing block LAFX-PTP-001 and saved it as LAFX-PTP-010
and interestingly :) I could assign it in the PTP block list but it looks like only black window unlike the other blocks as shown in attachment.

Need to ask if this ok or shall i need to do something to make shown as others in the list.
4 months ago
It sounds like you just need to run the MSLIDE command in your newly created block. That step should be mentioned in the links I sent previous. Once the .sld file is created, it should display there just fine.


I ran the MSLIDE command and it worked just like a magic.:)

Thank you so much.

4 months ago
That's great! Glad you got it working. Pro tip- turn off any hatches before running MSLIDE and you will get a slide that looks closer to the existing ones. (CAD doesn't like making images with solid hatches very much)
Let us know if there is anything else we can help with!

I turned off the hatch and ran the MSLIDE command again.

the new PTP looks perfect now.

Nibal Ata selected the reply #7103 as the answer for this post — 4 months ago
4 months ago
Great job!

I need to do another smaller drip emitter and bubbler,
I did the same as for the PTP but it didn't show in the block list to choose it.

Do I need to treat it differently as the emitter and bubbler blocks are shown in sets because of different flow rate?

Please advise.

3 months ago
Yes, you would need to make sure to adjust all needed files that are a part of the symbol families you pick/make new. You can see how file naming and adjusting symbol files should be done here:

Our Symbol Block Naming System
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