Tuesday, 16 August 2022
  3 Replies
  1.8K Visits
Wondering if the current functionality of the button containing the 'Make Current' command within 'Layers' on the Home ribbon is set by AutoDesk or is it within the Land F/X team's control to be returned to how it functioned in versions prior to 2023. Every other button on this ribbon that contains a carat or pull down menu is split into a top and bottom portion. The top retains the command last used, the bottom is used to select another command from the pull down.

That is, all buttons except the one containing 'Make Current'. This one no longer contains a top or bottom section and thus requires a selection from the pull down every time.

I know it's a small thing- but when you use this command a lot it gets somewhat annoying to have to select it from the pull down every time and also to remember that it is the only multi-command button that behaves this way.

Thanks in advance!
Joe Vickers set the type of the post as  Issue — 2 years ago
2 years ago
It sure looks like it should stay, huh?! Let me get with the team and see what can be done about that. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Hi Joe, we've fixed the installer on our Install F/X CAD 2023 page to fix that pulldown.

You can fix it without having to uninstall/reinstall.
The cuix is also updated here to download separately. Just pop it into the folders indicated in the page instructions and restart CAD.
Locating, Backing Up, and Restoring acad.cuix

2 years ago
WooHoo!! Thank you so much. Works like a charm.
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