Tuesday, 12 October 2021
  4 Replies
  3.9K Visits
Is it possible to make a block "unique"? Much like you can done in Sketchup by right-clicking on a component and "make unique", allowing the user to make changes to only that component? When placing plan graphic blocks it would be nice to be able to make a block unique so that it can be modified without changing all other instances in the DWG.

I know this has been a feature in Autodesk Architecture. Or is there another process that I should be following?


Accepted Answer

There is actually an undocumented Make Unique function already in Land F/X.
It was still pending some more functionality, such as supporting attributes, but it might just work for your use.
Just copy/paste this to the command line:


Clay, I found you a cool trick. Just tested. It works.

Use the FLATTEN command. Select that block. It'll turn it into a copy of the block with "-flat-1" amended to the block name.
However! It will keep the new rotation, if you rotated the original while placing it.

Alternatively, you can save the changed copy back into the plan graphics folder as a new block name using our Save Block tool so you always have the new version.
Save Your Blocks Into Our System (Save Block)


Thanks. I've messed with the flatten command some. I've found that this command sometimes messes up some of the hatches that are within the block.

I've been working with this block "LAFX-STRC-PV-501-008" and the flatten command resets the shingle hatch to "ACET-2D-AR-B88"
You might be better to just use WBLOCK, save out a copy of the block. Open that up, make your edits, then use Save Block to plan graphics with a new name. Then start placing that from plan graphics.

Accepted Answer

There is actually an undocumented Make Unique function already in Land F/X.
It was still pending some more functionality, such as supporting attributes, but it might just work for your use.
Just copy/paste this to the command line:


Clay Munson selected the reply #4367 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
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