Tuesday, 01 March 2016
  1 Replies
  4.2K Visits
So, I've been beating this dead horse for at least 2 years now, and it still keeps getting more dead.

I'd love to see the irrigation radius adjustment stick. That way when you are designing you can check and see where it is at. Not a huge request, I don't know, but it falls on deaf ears. I see you now support dynamic blocks. That had to be harder to include in the program than making this stick, but alas maybe this would take an Act of Congress to get accomplished.

I'm not sure if you are making an attempt at humor to get your point across, or if it is just a straight up insult.

Regardless, I agree with you that this would be a nice feature. And I also agree that it is not a huge request. And I also agree that you do not know the technicalities of what it would take to engineer it. What I told you last time, is that the radius reduction is not saved with the equipment. What this means is, if the number is not saved, then it cannot be easily displayed after the fact. If it was as easy as simply saving the number chosen, then it would have been engineered by now. But it is not that simple, so yes, other things have been deemed higher priorities in the interim.

This is still deemed a priority among the irrigation items, although it is a lower priority than adding additional classes of pipe.

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