Wednesday, 18 December 2019
  4 Replies
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I know a few years ago there was a thread on Matrix Planting / Group Areas (which got a little toxic - so four years ago!) but I would like to float an idea if I may.

How about a tool that creates a modular mix automatically?

So the workflow would look something like this . . .

  • Draw an indicative test area
  • Manually plant out the area with the plants you require at the various sizes and spacing you require
  • Select the amazing Modular Planting Tool (MPT), which would ask you to select your indicative area
  • On the selection of your area, the MPT would read the planting within the area and calculate the mix settings that would match what you have manually drawn
  • The MPT would then prompt you to name your mix and insert it into your concept planting mix list 

Wow how good would that be?

If this tool already exists please reply with "are you stupid or something?"


I know you've already watched the Modular Planting Design webinar, so you've seen the calculation method proposed there. It sounds like you're just proposing to automate that step in order to play around with the percentages and spacing more easily.

I like the idea. We're floating around some ideas for plant placement for this year and next year. I'll see about adding this as a potential option and see how it'd fit on the schedule.


5 years ago

Perfect - thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your team :) 

3 years ago

Any progress on this one?

Hi Michael,

We're actually trying to prioritize some other big planting and grading updates first. However, one piece that I think will help in developing this kind of tool was implemented with the Detail Viewports.

So it's still on the radar, but doesn't have an implementation date yet.



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