Tuesday, 27 August 2019
  1 Replies
  2.8K Visits


We have noticed that with the most recent update with LandFX includes a wipe out for the pipe callouts. Our standard callout does not have a wipeout however it looks like with LandFX this is a new standard. I did search the LandFX data base to see if there is a way to revert to the original one and found the following; 


Inserting the block every time you start an irrigation doesn't seem like a fix that works best with our firm. Is there a way to easily toggle between wipe out and no wipe out? Is this something we can incorporate into future LandFX updates?

Thanks, Amanda



Is there a reason you'd prefer to not have the callout mask, beyond just that it isn't in your standards?

We received such an overwhelming number of requests to *add* masks to all of our callouts, that it felt pointless to have an option controlling it.  We certainly could add such a feature, but we just need to get a strong understanding of it.  Literally every single plan I have seen with them, the masks make the plan more readable.  If you have an example plan where that is not the case, that would absolutely help me wrap my brain around it.



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