Saturday, 29 June 2019
  2 Replies
  3.2K Visits

Wondering if anyone else has run into this. 

I am using AcroPlot to generate PDFs. When I print the PDF, the scale is perfect. I can use a ruler and it matches up. However, when I place the same PDF in an InDesign document, it is slightly off, so you can't use a scale bar to check dimensions. 




You'd be best to reach out to Indesign on this, but from a quick look online it looks like there's import options to help import PDF's to scale in InDesign.

Check Object>Fitting>Frame Fitting Options. With Fitting set to None placed object shouldn't be scaled in any manner.


Searching "InDesign insert PDF to scale" showed several other posts with similar issues and other solutions.


5 years ago

Thanks for your help, Amanda. I checked the InDesign setting, and it is set to "none." However, I checked my printer settings, and it was set to scale the job at 96%. Once I turned that off, the drawing comes out at the right scale. 

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