Thursday, 19 January 2017
  6 Replies
  5.1K Visits
I made a new subgroup in the plant manager under Trees, but need to rename it and can't figure out how to do that. Otherwise I have to make a new subgroup and move all the entries into the new category one by one because I can't select more than one to do this. Can anyone help with this?
Accepted Answer

Here's what I do:
- in Plant Manager, it is displaying "Trees"
- I shift-select to select more than one
- I select a different group, "Palm Trees"
- it asks if I wish to move the plants, I choose Yes
- the plants are moved, and the display switches to "Palm Trees"

Franco Manno selected the reply #4390 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
Accepted Answer

Here's what I do:
- in Plant Manager, it is displaying "Trees"
- I shift-select to select more than one
- I select a different group, "Palm Trees"
- it asks if I wish to move the plants, I choose Yes
- the plants are moved, and the display switches to "Palm Trees"

3 years ago
Reading what's been posted above I still don't get how to change the subgroup of plants already in a project. In the plant manager I have selected multiple plants using shift+click. If I click the subgroup name nothing happens. What am I missing?
I didn't say to click edit. Select the plants, then select the new group.

8 years ago
Wait, I see what I have done. I needed to look at the top and change it there. My bad. Thanks!
8 years ago
I use shift to select more than one, click edit, change the subgroup, but only the first plant chosen gets moved to the new subgroup.
You'll need to make the new group, and then select the plants you want to move over, and then select the new group.
You absolutely can select more than one plant at a time -- just use Shift + Click.

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