Friday, 01 December 2017
  3 Replies
  4.7K Visits
I am trying to import 1 species of tree at 3 different sizes, ex. 75mm Cal., 70mm Cal., 40mm Cal. The look I am going for is still to use the same symbol only changing the size of the block. The issue is the Code will only associate with the first tree added to the Plant Manager. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you,

When you use the Copy button in the Plant Manager, you have the choice of using the same code or a different code. If you choose the same code, it will keep the symbol the same, but allow the symbol size, container size / caliper, and remarks to vary.

7 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. Could you tell me how the tree is referenced so that I could potentially have multiple trees of the same species in a plant schedule or will I just have to add remarks stating the different size caliper of the other trees.


That is true, the Import tool will always assign a unique code to the imported plant.
Your workaround would be to import just one plant, and then use the Copy button to create the multiple copies for each size.
I will get this on the todo list for the Import tool to respect multiple plants at the same code.

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