Thursday, 15 September 2016
  3 Replies
  5.1K Visits
I use layer isolate to turn all layers off when looking for cyan or yellow verification tags. I suggest a simple command button in LFX that would use this command to turn off all layers but the L-anno-hilt assigned to verify, and another button to turn all the layers back on. In large plans it can be hard to find the verification circles.
8 years ago
Amanda Berry wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I'd be more inclined to find out why your highlights created with verify labels are not showing up thick enough to see.

The best that could be done with what you're suggesting would be to turn a 2-step process of selecting the highlight line and then isolating into a 1-step process.

Could you send in your drawing using the technical support tool so that we can check out what your plan looks like after verifying the labels, why it's hard to read, and maybe see if there's a better solution available to you.

Here's how to submit a drawing with all the Land F/X project and preference set files that I'll need to run the verify labels tool and have a look.
Add a Drawing File to a Support Ticket:


On a large project like that, it can be well worth the modest setup time to manually isolate the L-ANNO-HILT layer, and then save that layer state.
Further, you could try increasing the lineweight width of that layer, which can also help.
In terms of making an already awesome tool even better -- I could see a future enhancement where the notification window that tells you what has been highlighted could also have an ability to isolate the layer.

Hi Thomas,

I'd be more inclined to find out why your highlights created with verify labels are not showing up thick enough to see.

The best that could be done with what you're suggesting would be to turn a 2-step process of selecting the highlight line and then isolating into a 1-step process.

Could you send in your drawing using the technical support tool so that we can check out what your plan looks like after verifying the labels, why it's hard to read, and maybe see if there's a better solution available to you.

Here's how to submit a drawing with all the Land F/X project and preference set files that I'll need to run the verify labels tool and have a look.
Add a Drawing File to a Support Ticket:

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